Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Have you ever had the urge to grab the shoulders of someone you are having a conversation with and say "I have no idea what you are trying to say!" Instead you just nodded and smiled, right? Classic.
Dan Pallotta writes about this problem of misunderstanding in this article.

 So, today with this post, I kind of decided to think outside the box and exceed blog-reader expectation by introducing a new concept, IIC (Improving Interpersonal Communication), which focuses on the way humans, using synergy, send messages to one another through a sort of mode of communication called words.

If you're still reading, you're either admirably loyal or pitiably bored.

That painstakingly long and boring sentence exhibits every "strain" of the "epidemic" Pallotta says is inundating the business world. But the problem is more widespread than that. It affects all of us.

Have any of these strains affected your communication? How can you combat them? As a creative writer, I sometimes find myself guilty of abstractionitis. I have to remind myself that figurative language should always enhance communication.

And for dealing with people around you who insist on using unclear language to mask their insecurity and stupidity, Pallota suggests a candid response: "I don't have any idea what you just said to me."

 Like mom always said, honesty really is the best policy. Keep it real, everyone. (Did you really think I could sign off this post without at least a couple overused cliches?)

Also, does anyone know what a Vally Girl is? It's weird, because I know what the term means, But I have no idea where it originated.